Oakleaf Hydrangea Snowflake vs. Snow Queen

March 17, 2022

Oakleaf Hydrangea Snowflake vs. Snow Queen

The Oakleaf hydrangea plant is a smaller version of its close cousin Alice. The plants have several similarities that may confuse some people when trying to differentiate between the two. Both plants have their leaves in clusters, with the entire leaf cluster being about the size of a golf ball or larger depending on how big the buds are. The plants have identical flower colors, varying from white to pinkish-white or yellow. They also share similar growth habits within the garden.

The Oakleaf Hydrangea Plant has been around for years, whereas the Alice was introduced only five decades ago. It is believed that the plant was first introduced in 1974. The plant is very popular among homeowners because it blooms all winter long. In addition, this hydroponic houseplant is known for its ability to live through any weather conditions, including subfreezing temperatures in areas where the temperature drops below freezing.

The differences between Alice vs. Snow Queen Oakleaf Hydrangea

 Despite these two plants having many similarities, they also have their differences. These include:


Half a day of exposure to the sun is quite enough for this plant. However, the plant requires less water than other hydroponically grown plants. This is because some parts of the plant are rooted in gravel-filled pots instead of soil-filled pots like other plants. Due to the roots’ nature, the water is absorbed immediately. On the other hand, the needs of an indoor pot-grown plant are met by adding distilled or filtered tap water once per week.


There are many flowers on both the Alice and the Oakleaf Hydrangea. However, more orange-colored ones are found on the Oakleaf Hydrangeas, while the colors tend to be pinker on the Alice.


While the tree-like form of the Oakleaf Hydrangea resembles trees, the plant does not grow large enough to qualify as a true tree. Also, one must keep in mind that this plant cannot tolerate frosty weather since it will cause leaf die-offs. Therefore, if you need a true tree-type plant, you should go for The Alice instead.


Both the Alice and Oakleaf Hydrangea require at least six hours of sunlight each day. With regards to hardiness, the Alice has been tested for -10 degrees Fahrenheit and has performed quite well despite the cold weather. The Oakleaf Hydrangea has also been tested for -4 degrees Fahrenheit temperature, but it did not perform too well. Therefore, you should probably ensure your house has the proper climate control before planting either of these two plants indoors.

Leaf Forms & Colors

One thing that makes these two plants so different is the shape of their leaves. Leaves of the oakleaf Hydrangea often look like tiny clusters of branches rather than a single stem which gives them their name. On the other hand, the leaves on the Alice are flat and wide but still arranged in clusters along stems. Additionally, the color tends to be brighter on Alice.

More About Oakleaf Hydrangea Alice

The Oakleaf Hydrangea Alice grows to a total height of 12 feet by 12 feet wide. The shrub can work well in a big garden thanks to its vast size. The plant can grow even more significantly if the gardener prunes it back regularly. This way, the plant will continue to flower throughout most of the season. When succeeded properly, it is said that the Alice plant can bloom for nearly eight months. Of course, depending on how well the gardener takes care of his plants, he may get a shorter flowering period.

What Size Should I Grow?

When deciding what size to plant your Alice, remember that they only grow about 6 inches in diameter when fully developed. So, you don’t need to worry about getting the shrub too big because it will outgrow itself eventually. Plus, you can always plant it somewhere else after it starts growing!

Watering Needs

For your Alice to thrive skillfully, you must ensure that you give it regular attention. As mentioned earlier, the watering requirements differ from plant to plant. For the Oakleaf Hydrangea, you need to let it dry every night in between watering. During the daytime, you can water it once or twice a week. Remember never to overwater your plant not to damage its roots. Also, you have to check whether or not there is any moisture buildup inside the soil around her root system. Over time, too much moisture can lead to rot. And of course, the better you tend to it, the more likely it will survive.

Maintenance Requirements

If you want to enjoy a beautiful display of flowers throughout the whole winter, then all you need to do is keep an eye on the Alice during the colder months. Make sure to trim back any dead foliage as soon as possible so that you avoid having ugly brown splotches on your blooms. Besides that, you just need to give it some light fertilizer once in a while.

Planting Your Alice Hydrangea

Soak the roots in a solution containing some wood ash until they feel soft. If necessary, add fertilizer. Then, wrap the roots in newspaper to avoid exposing them to sunlight, wait for rain, remove the paper, and place the plant in a hole no deeper than 3/4 inch. Keep the shade away from the roots until the plant has established itself well. Water deeply and thoroughly.

Pests & Diseases

Although it usually does not commonly suffer from diseases, those who wish to take extra precautions should know how to manage pest infestation. They can use sprays made from citrus oil or citronella essential oils. Another option is to purchase repellents specifically designed for hydrilla plants. However, remember that these are pesticides, and therefore, you need to be careful before using them.

More About Oakleaf Hydrangea Snow Queen

As earlier mentioned, the Snow Queen Hydrangea is a medium-sized shrub with a total height of 6’ tall and 6’ wide. Therefore, the plant can withstand hot or sunnier areas better than most shrubs. It is also well known for its purple hue when it is dried.

Pests and diseases

The Oakleaf Hydrangea Snow Queen plant does not suffer from any significant problems. Nevertheless, if you wish to protect your plant from being damaged by bugs, you must carefully apply insecticides. It would be best to refrain from spraying them directly onto the leaves, which may only irritate the plant. Instead, spray their base about 10 inches below the soil line. It is recommended that you check for signs of pest activity daily.


Oakleaf Hydrangea Snow Queen plant does not require too much sunlight during summer or early fall. However, you may want to supplement the sunlight with artificial lighting later on for optimal growth. To promote healthy bloom formation, you need to fertilize your plant regularly. A good rule of thumb is to feed your plant one tablespoon per 2 gallons of water. Remember that it requires continuous feeding even during the dry season.

You can buy a liquid fertilizer that contains 15-20 pounds of nitrogen per gallon. Alternatively, you can pick your favorite organic fertilizer, such as fish emulsion or composted manure, and mix them equally. Afterward, dilute the mixture with enough water to just half an ounce of mixture per gallon. Remember not to let the nutrient solution get too concentrated.

Potential Problems with Oakleaf Hydrangea Snow Queen Plant

Every plant suffers from particular problems during its lifetime, and the Oakleaf Hydrangea Snow Queen is no exception. Its blooms tend to wither away quickly, although some remain open until frost arrives. If left untouched, they eventually turn brown and rot off completely. Therefore, regular pruning will help you prevent this problem from happening. If you notice that the foliage starts turning yellowish, you should cut back the affected branches.

How about the propagation of Snow Queen Oakleaf Hydrangea? This plant can be propagated through seeds, cuttings, and division. However, it is best to start your seedlings indoors first before planting them outdoors. Then, once the plants have grown into sturdy specimens, you can transplant them to your garden. The process of dividing your plant is quite simple. You need to remove a few of the older stems and divide the rest of the plant into several smaller pieces.

The Oakleaf Hydrangeas Snow Queens are perfect additions to any outdoor area for landscaping purposes. They add color and beauty to your yard without requiring much maintenance. Moreover, they also attract butterflies and hummingbirds. As long as you keep them well-watered, they will continue growing and thriving.

Final Thoughts

The differences between Alice and Snow Queen Oakleaf Hydrangea are uncountable. However, it becomes easier to differentiate the two with a proper understanding of this article. If you want to learn more about these plants, feel free to read our articles on propagating and caring for them. We hope this information has helped you understand the differences between the Oakleaf Hydrangea Snow Queen.

Garden Out West