Indoor Growing of Aloe Vera: Read 5 Reasons You Might Have Problems

August 12, 2022

Image by Birgit_H from Pixabay

Aloe Vera Indoor Plant

Indoor Growing of Aloe Vera: Read 5 Reasons You Might Have Problems. Aloe vera is a beautiful plant that adds beauty and health benefits to homes everywhere. However, even though it grows well outdoors, there are some challenges when trying to grow it indoors. If you’re experiencing difficulties, here are five things you might be doing wrong.

1. Poor Lighting Conditions – Plants require light to thrive. If you don’t provide enough light, your plants won’t grow properly. When choosing a light source, ensure it gives both bright and indirect lighting. A combination of both types of light is ideal.

2. Too Much Sunlight – Your indoor plants will struggle under too much sunlight. Make sure to place them where they’ll receive adequate natural light while avoiding direct sun.

3. Temperature Changes – Indoor temperatures fluctuate throughout the day. This causes temperature fluctuations and stress for your plants. Try placing your plants near a window that allows plenty of natural light and heat.

4. Watering Issues – Many people assume that because they live in an area with hot summers, they don’t need to water their indoor plants during summer. However, one thing that one needs to keep in mind when dealing with plants is that a certain amount of moisture is required for plants to survive. For this reason, plants require a certain amount of moisture to survive. As a result, they need to drink up to 10 times their weight in water each week. Therefore, during hot weather, try watering less frequently.

5. Not Enough Fertilizer – Most plants love fertilizer. But not all fertilizers work equally well indoors. If you’re unsure how to use fertilizer, check out our guide.

1. Your Aloe Vera isn’t getting enough light.

Aloe vera needs bright light to grow and thrive, but it doesn’t like too much sunlight. If you give aloes total sun exposure, they will quickly become weak and lose shape. They won’t bloom well either. You might even see some leaf damage.

If you want to grow aloes indoors, ensure you provide plenty of indirect light. Most indoor plants require lots of indirect lighting. Indirect sunlight is best because it helps keep the temperature stable.

You can find aloes in stores and online. Most people buy aloes during the winter months. However, many aloes do better in springtime. So, don’t wait until summer to purchase one.

You may notice that the aloe leaves wilt after a few days. Don’t worry; this is normal. The plant should recover quickly if it receives ample light and water.

Aloe vera’s love lots of sunshine. The more light they receive, the bigger their leaves will grow. So if you’re looking to produce a giant leafed aloe, place it near a sunny window.

But remember not to let the sun shine directly on the leaves. Direct sunlight can burn them. Instead, position your plant so that the sun shines through the leaves but not onto the leaves themselves.

2. Your Aloe Vera is located in a hot window.

Aloes are great plants for beginners because you don’t need much space to grow one. They require very little water and sunlight. But they do need some care – especially during the summer months.

During the hottest part of the day, your aloe will get hotter than usual. If you live somewhere where temperatures reach 90 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, you’ll have to move your aloe to a cooler spot.

This could mean moving it to an area with less direct sunlight, such as a shady porch or balcony. Or you can try placing it in a cool room away from heat-producing appliances, like a refrigerator or stove.

3. Your Aloe Vera is getting too much water.

It is safe to say that aloe vera has long been considered one of the most popular houseplants. While it doesn’t look like much, it packs some profound health benefits. You might even say aloe vera has been proven to cure everything from cancer to acne. But there’s a problem with this plant: overwatering.

The leaves grow very large and heavy, making it challenging to keep them upright. In addition, when you water them too often, they start to droop and sag. This makes it hard for them to absorb nutrients properly and causes the leaves to become discolored and dry.

Overwatering also leads to root rot. Roots need oxygen to breathe, so when they’re submerged under water, they stop absorbing air. Without enough air, seeds and the entire plant die along with it.

So if you want to grow healthy aloe vera, only water once every couple of days and keep the soil evenly moist.

4. Your Aloe Vera isn’t getting enough fertilizer.

You may notice that your aloe looks a bit sad. This is because it’s probably suffering from nutrient deficiency.

When aloe vera gets low on nutrients, its leaves turn yellow and wilt. And it won’t recover until it receives plenty of fertilizer.

To help your aloe grow strong and healthy, fertilize it regularly. As a general rule, you should add one tablespoon of fish emulsion per gallon of water.

5. Your Aloe Vera plant was stressed when you bought it.

Aloe vera is one of those plants that everyone loves to hate. However, there are some things we sometimes fail to understand about our beloved garden friends. For example, did you know that when you buy aloe vera, chances are very high that it’s already been stressed?

The reason is simple – most aloe vera sold today isn’t grown in soil. Instead, it’s grown in trays filled with water and placed directly into plastic bags. This method of growing makes sense for nurseries because it allows growers to transport the plants easily. However, it doesn’t allow for much air circulation. And while aloe vera grows best in full sun, it does better when exposed to some shade.

So what happens when you take a pot of aloe vera out of the bag and put it into a dark corner where it gets no sunlight? You’re forcing it to grow roots in the same conditions it would have had if it had never left the nursery. So when you go home and place it in a sunny window, it looks great for a few days. Then it starts looking droopy and sad.

There is a reason for this: choosing healthy aloe vera plants is essential when you buy them. If you decide to keep your aloe vera in a container, give it adequate light and water. You may need to move your aloe vera outside if you notice that it is wilting. It probably needs to be moved outside.

Aloe Vera

Indoor Growing Aloe Vera
Garden Out West