Aloe Plant – Aloe Vera

March 20, 2022

Aloe is a plant adapted to live in arid environments, thanks to its ability to absorb large amounts of water. Although it is sold at an affordable price for everyone in the market, it is also one of the most purchased because it is effortless to maintain, watering it an average of 4 to 5 times a week.

As a result, the possibility of lost active ingredients is significantly reduced. The aloe plant needs to be outside to receive constant light. It is very resistant to cold, so do not worry about keeping it out in winter. The important thing is to keep it well covered with plastic.

Green Aloe Plant

Having a green aloe plant at home lets, you have its gel extracts on hand for minor inflammatory emergencies.

Aloe is also used as a face cream for an intestinal wash and to deflate the abdominal area, but its uses are numerous, so much so that it is one of the most used plants at home to treat various symptoms.

Studies have shown that aloe extract contains hundreds of active ingredients. This means that there are contraindications that should be consulted and discussed with a doctor, who can indicate if this type of plant is capable of causing kidney or colon problems. Today, there are many varieties of aloe vera, and in the market, the four most used and sold types are:

  • • Aloe Arborescens
  • • Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis miller)
  • • Aloe ferox
  • • Aloe tiki thai

There are also those belonging to the Asphodelaceae subfamily, which is less well known.

Each of them has specific properties that make it different from the others, and each one is used for particular purposes, including healing and improving certain parts of our body.

Aloe Vera Plant –  Benefits and Contraindications

Aloe barbadensis is commonly known as the Aloe Vera plant. It is well-known to succulent plant collectors and natural product lovers for its beneficial properties and ease of cultivation (like all succulents).

Aloe Vera Plant

Aloe Vera – Homemade Recipes

At home, you can make different recipes based on aloe vera, creating perfect mixtures, ready to drink every day, optimizing the walls of the digestive system that form a protective layer thanks to the action of mucopolysaccharides (they are complex sugars whose consistency is similar to snail slime and act as gastroprotection).

An excellent and easy recipe to prepare is aloe vera juice: a leaf is cut at the base and cleaned well, disinfecting and protecting the hands from possible contamination.

After washing the aloe plant, make a cut along with the leaf on one side, remove all the sticky part with a teaspoon, and immediately put it in the blender before it loses its properties.

The most famous recipe for aloe is undoubtedly that of Father Romano Zago, who discovered this favorite recipe by chance in 1995 and then put it on the market, becoming one of the best-selling natural products.

Aloe Vera  An Indoor Plant

Aloe vera is considered an indoor plant since it is one of the most popular, both for those who like to decorate their house externally with fatty plants and for those who want to use it in case of burns or irritations, to relieve pain as soon as possible.

The gel from the aloe plant is much more effective than that of a hydrocortisone-based ointment, and it is available at lower prices than it.

Natural Aloe Vera Gel

You can buy natural aloe vera gel without aloin to treat the skin or use it as an anti-inflammatory and disinfectant cream in the market. However, Aloe vera is a bitter organic compound found in the leaves of the aloe vera plant grown at home, so for special needs, for example, if you are allergic to this compound, it is advisable to buy aloe vera gel in a pharmacy, making sure that it does not contain it.

However, do not always trust the product without checking it because if the label does not specify a concentration of 100% aloe gel, the product is undoubtedly less effective than it should be.

For example, sometimes, there is a scam on the cost of aloe vera juice on the market, which is sold at the same price as the natural gel. Knowing the subtle difference between aloe vera juice and aloe vera gel is necessary to purchase a product that meets consumer needs.

Aloe Plant –  How To Best Use it

Aloe Gel Sheet

To take full advantage of the properties of the aloe vera leaf, it is necessary to let it grow for at least three years before cutting it. The maturation process can vary depending on the type of plant, the temperature, the quality of the soil, and the care it has received since its birth.

To obtain all the nutrients from the aloe vera plant, it is necessary that after extracting the gel from the leaf, it is covered and immediately placed in the refrigerator until use.

How To Use Aloe Vera For The Face

There was a time when mainly ladies cared for their bodies, primarily using natural remedies, such as those made from the aloe plant. However, more and more men take care of their bodies in the modern age, just like women.

They often resort to plastic surgery or use natural products to keep their skin smooth. For example, the application of aloe vera gel on the face acts as a natural mask that can defend the skin from premature aging since, after the age of 30, it tends to be less and less elastic.

Use Aloe Vera On the Face Overnight

Pro-Vitamin A is converted into vitamin A directly by our body. The processes that occur, such as the formation of red blood cells and sex hormones, allow the growth of the skin and mucous membranes.

The characteristics of the aloe plant extracts allow those with dry and delicate skin to recompose the face, providing luminosity and freshness. At the same time, for those who want hydration that reaches the end, there is a mixture with hyaluronic acid, which is It is sold in the form of a cream, and it is highly appreciated by those who use it.

You can also use aloe vera on your face overnight, which acts as an oil regulator, giving your skin freshness and cleanliness when you wake up in the morning.

How To Use Aloe Vera On Hair?

Another widespread use for dry and weak hair is the preparation of a homemade aloe vera gel, which is mixed and strained through a strainer, separating the solid parts from the liquid ones and putting the latter in a bowl. With a bit of water in a disinfected sprayer, add the aloe vera plant extracts to obtain a mixture that moisturizes and strengthens the scalp, thus preventing hair loss.

How To Prepare Aloe Vera For Drinking

To drink fresh aloe vera juice, simply mix some exotic fruits (choose the one you prefer) with two teaspoons of aloe juice in a juicer. Once the mixture is obtained, which should not be too thick, you can put it in a jar and in the fridge to let it cool down, and after half an hour, you can enjoy your fresh, natural drink!

Cutting the aloe plant, we can prepare an authentic aloe juice to drink every day to purify our body thanks to its antioxidant properties and its well-known vitamins, protecting us from the threat of viruses, bacteria, and other external agents.

Also, for those who don’t have much time at home and want to incorporate it into their daily routine, you can buy bottles of aloe juice or drink water-soluble gels with ingredients from the aloe plant.

Homemade Aloe Vera Gel

In recent years, physical well-being has become increasingly important for women and men, who care more about their health. As a result, the market is also growing, as homemade aloe vera gel is used for many reasons.

The advice is to continually grow an aloe vera plant outside the balcony and use its gel naturally and without harmful agents because you can never know the origin of the seed.

Aloe Vera  – Contraindications In Case Of Overdose

When buying aloe vera supplements, keep in mind that not all are the same since contraindications are usually described in the prospectus.

The concentrations are different depending on the type of aloe and the manufacturer, so it is always advisable to follow the doses indicated on the product label. In contrast to pathology that may cause problems, it is always advisable to consult your family doctor.

Aloe Vera Gel

Today it is essential to know an aloe plant well, which can help our body deal with specific symptoms. Each species can have different concentrations and actions.

The presence of aloin in aloe vera gel is not toxic. You must remember that an overdose of this element (like any substance used in excess) can create dysentery problems.

Aloe Vera Gel For Hair

Aloe vera gel for hair has an excellent moisturizing action that rewards and strengthens it, practically perfect for applying after shampooing, also protecting it from dryness. Perhaps in summer, you can nourish them after a day at the beach, making them even and shiny, protecting the scalp from falling.

Aloe Vera Gel As Anti-Wrinkle

One of the most discussed topics in the female world is aloe vera gel-based products as anti-wrinkles since they can have results from the first days of treatment.

The anti-aging properties of Aloe Vera are defined as one of the best that exists, with more than 200 active nutrients that include essential elements for those who want to combat the signs of aging.

The proline present in the aloe vera plant is a non-essential amino acid present in collagen, which allows excellent sealing and elasticity of the affected epidermal areas.

Pure Aloe Vera Gel

To find a pure aloe vera gel compound, you must check that the product contains at least 99.9% of it. It should also be wholly organic and preservative-free so you don’t risk skin reactions that can damage your skin.

In the market, you should be careful not to buy products that contain a higher concentration of water and a small addition of extracts from the aloe vera plant, simply because they do not have enough healing power.

Aloe Vera Plant Called Aloe Barbadensis Miller

When talking about the aloe plant, one immediately thinks of aloe vera, also known as aloe barbadensis miller, known and used by the ancient Egyptians and Romans to treat all kinds of diseases. For example, this succulent plant treated inflammation, stomach disorders, and suppressed headaches.

Benefits For The Skin For Five Millenia

In ancient times, aloe vera gel was known for its skin benefits. It was used in the medical field to heal wounds after major battles and treat first-degree burns.

The ancient Egyptians used Aloe Vera plant has been used for five millennia by the ancient Egyptians to treat many illnesses and preserve embalmed bodies, hailed as the plant of immortality.

How To Grow It In The Ground

Aloe vera is also a plant grown in the ground, garden, orchard. The important thing is to respect the minimum conditions to grow healthy and without losing its properties. For example, in the north of Italy, it is necessary to check that the ground is sufficiently sunny and well covered to be covered during the critical phases of winter.

Culture And Precautions

To grow aloe vera, it is necessary to buy the seeds in stores specializing in the sale of fertilizers and plant products, also having a good mineral and nutritious soil to have an excellent final result when the mature leaves are cut.

Precautions must be taken when growing the aloe plant, such as covering it from frost and during periods of snow, since most species do not survive short or long frosts.

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