Are Bromeliads Safe for Cats?

March 28, 2022

Are Bromeliads Safe for Cats?

Many people are worried about whether bromeliad plants can be toxic to cats. We’re here to provide answers to this concern.

Bromeliads are tropical plant species renowned for their unique leaves flexibility. The bright sunlight and high humidity of bromeliads are ideal for those who don’t need a plant that needs lots of attention. These plants can be used safely by animals and grown without or with soil. They’re fashionable because they flourish in various settings that include soil.

If you are a pet owner, it is essential to choose plants for your house that are not toxic for your pet. It is possible to select a bromeliad plant that is safe for your house pets.

Are Bromeliads Good Indoor Plants?

The bromeliad plant is a perfect indoor plant with low maintenance as it doesn’t need a lot of sun and needs to be regularly watered when kept indoors. Be sure that bromeliads are not exposed to heat or cold breezes or mist using a spray bottle each day because they are fond of humidity.

Is Bromeliad Safe for Cats/Pets?

Like humans, cats appear to love the sights and smells of the flora. The cat’s love for nature might include chewing plants. There are a variety of species considered bromeliad. None of them is toxic or poisonous to cats, humans, or dogs. Common pets that live indoors. 

Cats can also chew bromeliad leaves, even though they’re safe for cats and can cause vomiting or diarrhea when your pet consumes large quantities. 

Are Bromeliads Safe for Humans?

Unlike cats, bromeliads aren’t harmful to humans. However, there could be species you must stay away from your children’s reach as their sap could trigger allergic reactions, as characterized by mild allergic dermatitis.

In addition to the cosmetic benefits and creating a tropical look to homes, the bromeliads aid in purifying the indoor air (purifying volatile organic chemicals in your home. VOCs are the gases released by paints, furniture, cleaning equipment, printers, copiers, and printers dry-cleaned clothing, among other things.

Which Part is Toxic?

There isn’t a single part of Bromeliad plants. Bromeliad plants are harmful to cats. However, if your cat eats seeds, leaves, flowers, or sap of this plant, it could suffer from digestive distress. While the plant itself isn’t poisonous, it does not mean that it is safe to allow your dogs, cats, or kids to eat indoor plants. A lot of growers apply fertilizers to their plants to encourage better growth.

Unfortunately, these fertilizers may be contaminated with harmful substances that can pose a risk. Additionally, there are copper and iron, zinc manganese, cobalt molybdenum, and boron. Massive amounts of these substances can cause poisoning for your cat, and small doses may cause digestive problems.

Why Do Cats Play with Plants?

To aid digestion. If pets are experiencing gassiness or just slight nausea and cannot eat grass, chewing on or eating plants makes them feel better. It could result from a shortage of fiber on the menu.

How to Stop?

Your bromeliad plant could be at risk due to your cat as they tend to run around, knocking things over. They can be prevented in many ways. Here are some of them; follow them

  • Use the spray whenever the cat comes near the bromeliad plants. But regularly, you will keep your cat from coming close to the bromeliad. Be careful not to use vinegar as it can damage the plant.
  • Cats require mental stimulation, and if you’re unable to make time together with your pet, the cat might turn its attention toward your houseplants to entertain itself. If you do not want the spiders to be near your plants, let them play in the garden with them.
  • Pets don’t like strong scents, so use fragrant plants around this plant.
  • You can place pebbles inside your bromeliad planter, but make sure there is enough space to allow the soil to be well-watered. This will stop your cat from digging in the soil.
  • Think about putting your plants away from the reach of your cat. Cats can leap huge distances, but you must plant your plants in higher places. Again, hanging baskets are the most effective and most affordable option.

Does Poisoning Consumer Indications?

If your pet or cat is poisoned, you can expect them to be irritable, stop eating, become sick, and suffer from diarrhea. They may have seizures. Check their gums to determine what they look like. Understanding the signs of poisoning in cats can assist you in identifying the problem if it develops. Cat poisoning can manifest in many ways:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Breathing difficulty
  • Insomnia
  • Twitches
  • Skin or body swelling
  • Lethargy
  • Problems with appetite
  • Energy levels are low.
  • Urination rises
  • Thirst for water
Are Bromeliads Safe for Cats?

Non-Toxic Plants for Cats

It’s good that plenty of plant species can be safe and straightforward to grow indoors. These are the types that are not very harmful to home pets (cats, dogs). 

  • Plants like spider plants, ferns, vibrant marigolds, and bromeliads are safe for pets and dogs. Likewise, moon orchids are beautiful and also safe.
  • Cats are more interested in plants, with catnip (Nepeta cataria) being the most obvious choice. It’s easy to cultivate indoors, so it is a great house plant. 
  • It is possible to pick up several cat-friendly plants like cat’s mint and cat thyme (Teucrium marum). 
  • Dogs and cats like eating grass because it aids in digestion, so keep the cat’s grass (Dactylis glomerata) in a container for regular chewing pleasure.
  • Roses
  • Gerber Daisies
  • Liatris
  • Orchid
  • Asters
  • Alstroemeria
  • Freesia
  • Lisianthus

Also Read: Plants Safe for Cats

The plants listed are safe for dogs and cats. They can be planted indoors.

Toxic Plants for Pets

There are a lot of plants, both indoors and outdoors, that pose a danger to pets. Different types of plants indoors are far more poisonous than other varieties. While some are only causing discomfort to pets, some can cause serious harm.

  • Lilies (Spathiphyllum)
  • Aloe Vera
  • Cannabis
  • Devil ivy
  • Rhododendrons & Azaleas
  • Monstera   
  • Pothos  
  • Jade  
  • Snake 
  • Sago Palm
  • English Ivy (Hedera Helix)

Why Are Plant Toxic?

Numerous factors affect the number of plant toxins. These include the type of plant’s exposure and the length of its existence, exposure to sunlight that is available, the soil type that the plant has been growing in, and the genetic variation within a particular plant species. 

  • Contacting plants exposed to pollens from leaves, flowers, or the vase’s liquid can cause kidney failure. 
  • Plant components include substances that could have adverse effects on the skin’s heart and the cardiovascular system of the lung, kidneys, blood, liver, blood bladder, bone, nervous system, reproductive and endocrine systems.
  • Plants high in cardiac glycosides may induce vomiting, nausea, and arrhythmias of the heart of both animals and humans.

The toxins in plants are classified according to different chemical structures that help understand the toxins associated with them. These all are medical emergencies that need immediate medical attention from a doctor. 


Bromeliads are a vibrant group of plants that includes hundreds of species. And thankfully, they’re not harmful to your cat’s curious nature. Bromeliad’s plant and other non-toxic species are suitable to keep in your home; If you give your healthy cat grasses, a balanced diet, and a regular exercise routine, your cat could not be as eager to gnaw at your gorgeous home plants. 

Garden Out West